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Carriage Horse Bolts Near Central Park in Manhattan, Injures Three People

Date: September 7, 2012

Three people were reportedly injured when a Clinton Park Stables carriage horse named Oreo became frightened and ran into traffic near Central Park. According to law enforcement officers, the six-year-old draft horse was pulling a carriage when he got spooked, jumped out of the carriage line, and dumped his driver. Next, the horse ran into the street, hit two cars, and lost the carriage he was pulling in the middle of the roadway. Unfortunately two passengers remained inside of the carriage at the time. Oreo allegedly continued to run in the street for about four blocks before he was caught on Ninth Avenue near West 57th Street.

Witnesses stated the carriage flipped in the roadway with a couple still inside after it separated from the horse. One passenger allegedly hurt both his back and his neck. He was reportedly placed in a protective neck brace and taken away by emergency medical responders on a stretcher. The driver of the carriage is believed to have suffered a cut to his leg. Both passengers and the carriage driver were taken to a local hospital for their injuries.

According to one witness, someone who was walking down the street attempted to seize Oreo's harness while the horse waited behind traffic stopped at a red light. The frightened horse reportedly began to rear up and attempted to break free until a police officer intervened. Law enforcement officers used a tranquilizer dart on the horse. Despite the sedative, Oreo stood and climbed into a police truck following the incident.

A Clinton Park Stables employee said both Oreo and his driver were not seriously injured. A representative from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the organization that enforces carriage-horse regulations in New York, stated Oreo suffered only minor scratches to his nose and muzzle.

People in New York are placed at risk for unexpected injuries on a daily basis. If you were hurt through no fault of your own, you can bring a personal injury claim against the individual or company that caused your harm. You may be eligible to receive financial compensation for your medical expenses, disability, lost benefits and wages, pain and suffering, any related property loss, and other damages. If your injury was severe, you may also be eligible to receive compensation for future medical expenses and costs. Because the timeframe during which you may file an injury claim is limited, you should discuss your case with a capable New York personal injury lawyer as soon as you are able.

Call Korngut Paleudis LLC at (212) 835-6768 in New York City if you were hurt in an unexpected accident. At Korngut Paleudis LLC, our experienced Manhattan personal injury and accident law attorneys are here to help you receive the compensation you deserve following an accident. Our dedicated lawyers have more than 45 years of combined experience representing clients throughout both New York and New Jersey. To discuss your case with a skilled personal injury attorney today, please do not hesitate to contact Korngut Paleudis LLC through the law firm's website.

Additional Resources:

3 Are Injured When Horse Sheds Coach in Manhattan, by Andy Newman, New York Times

Runaway Horse Near Columbus Circle In NYC Collides With Car, Huffington Post

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